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    • 英美文化常識考題-中文版

      2021-09-30 綜合 86閱讀 投稿:如果



      美國貨幣由美元dollar和美分cent組成,one dollar等于100 cents。其紙幣bill有一、二、五、十、二十、五十和一百美元等面值;硬幣(coin)有一美分(或a penny)、五美分(或a nickel)、十美分(或a dime)和二十五美分(或a quarter)等。在數(shù)字前加$表示美元,如:$500表示五百美元;在數(shù)字后加C表示美分,如:50C表示50美分;表示由美元和美分組成的錢數(shù)時,常用$表示,如:$6.50。


      英國貨幣由英鎊(pound)和便士(pence)組成,也分為紙幣notes和硬幣coins。紙幣有面值五鎊、十鎊、二十鎊和五十鎊;而硬幣,即金屬貨幣有一便士、二便士、五便士、十便士、二十便士、五十便士和一鎊等。若指一定數(shù)額的硬幣,通常用piece,如2P(pieces);隨身帶的硬幣可用change表示。100 pence等于1 pound。在數(shù)字前加£表示多少英鎊,如:£800為800英鎊;在數(shù)字后加P表示多少便士,如:5P表示五便士(penny的復(fù)數(shù));表示由英鎊和便士組成的錢數(shù)時通常不說出pence,如3鎊50便士可說成£3.50或three pounds and fifty。


      Civil and political rights are a class of rights ensuring things such as the protection of peoples' physical integrity; procedural fairness in law; protection from discrimination based on gender, religion, race, etc; individual freedom of belief, speech, association, and the press; and political participation. Contrast with economic, social and cultural rights. Civil and political rights are included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and elaborated upon in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.The theory of three generations of human rights considers these to be first-generation rights, and most (but not all) of them are considered to be negative rights.Examples of civil rights and liberties include the right to get redress if injured by another, the right to privacy, the right of peaceful protest, the right to a fair investigation and trial if suspected of a crime, and more generally-based constitutional rights such as the right to vote, the right to personal freedom, the right to freedom of movement and the right of equal protection.Laws guaranteeing civil rights may be written down, derived from custom, or implied. In the United States and most continental European countries, civil rights laws are most often written. As civilizations emerged and their laws were formalized through written constitutions, some of the more important civil rights were granted to citizens. When those grants were later found inadequate, civil rights movements emerged as the vehicle for claiming more equal protection for all citizens and advocating new laws to restrict the effects of discrimination.Implied rights are rights that a court may find to exist even though not expressly guaranteed by written law or custom, on the theory that a written or customary right must necessarily include the implied right. One famous (and controversial) example of a right implied from the U.S. Constitution is the "right to privacy", which the U.S. Supreme Court found to exist in the 1965 case of Griswold v. Connecticut. In the 1973 case of Roe v. Wade, the court found that state legislation prohibiting or limiting abortion violated this right to privacy. As a rule, state governments can expand civil rights beyond the U.S. Constitution, but they cannot diminish Constitutional rights.。


      Let's Learn About England一IntroductionThe British Isles have a rich history going back thousands of years.The history of the United Kingdom includes also the history of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The history is full of invaders, wars, rulers. 二The Kings and Queens Until 1603 the English and Scottish Crowns were separated.Following the Accession of King James VI of Scotland (I of England) to the English Throne. From the end of the 17th century, monarchs lost executive power and they became subject to Parliament, resulting in today's constitutional Monarchy.三The best known Queen: Elizabeth gave the name to a golden age of poets, statesmen and adventurers. Known as the Virgin Queen, or Gloriana.四The best known King:Claims to the throne of France led to the Hundred Years' War and the loss of almost all the large English territory in France. Eduard III五The Historical Flag When King James VI of Scotland ascended to the English throne, thereby becoming James I of England, the national flags of England and Scotland on land continued to be.Flag? crossesThe Union Jack/Flag includes the Cross of St. George (England), the Cross of St. Andrew (Scotland) and the Cross of St. Patrick (Ireland). 六The Most Important WarsThe Hundred Years War 1336-1565 Wars of the Roses 1455-1487Civil War 1642-1645 Boer War 1901-1902World War I 1914-1918 World War II 1939-1945 七Walesa Celtic land of mountains and coalNorthern IrelandIt is clear today that the Irish problem has not been solved. Northern Protestants feel they have a right to determine their own future democratically. Northern Catholics feel they have the right to be part of a united Ireland. 八ScotlandAn English army arrived to relieve the Scots siege of Stirling. Bruce defeated the English army under Edward II, who was lucky to escape with his life. The Scots victory at the Battle of Bannockburn secured complete Scots independence.九EnglandEngland has always played an important role in the world? economy and business.十Historical Monumentthe name of a very remarkable ancient monument in England It consists of a great collection of stones 十一A Few Facts About EnglandEngland is part of the United Kingdom which is made up of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.England is part of the European Union.The capital of England is London.The money used is called the pound.The population of England is 60,776,238.The language spoken is English.十二Let's visit some important cities in England.Oxford University and the University of Cambridge are both famous around the world.十三England's Important People Famous authors - Beatrix Potter, Roald Dahl and J.K. RowlingWilliam Shakespeare - famous for writing playsQueen Elizabeth and the royal familyThe Beatles -famous singing group who became popular in the 1960sDido – English Singer十四What English Kids DoEnglish kids like to play football, cricket, tennis and netball.Many kids belong to clubs like scouts, judo, karate and church clubs.Kids also like to skateboard, watch TV, ride bicycles and play computer games. Kids in the cities spend time in the many museums.F十五amous Sights in EnglandBig Ben ClockWestminster AbbeyTower of LondonLondon EyeTrafalgar SquareBuckingham Palace 十六Visit the Sights in the Harry Potter Books!!Go to this website for information on places that are important to find - /Funtodo/England/visitharrypottersites.htmKing's Cross StationLondon ZooAlnwick CastleGloucester CathedralLacock Abbey十七What the English Like to EatFish and chipsTea and biscuits。


      這是一篇題為《如何復(fù)習》的文章,是針對自考生寫的.希望對你有幫助. 從盎格魯·撒克遜文學開始到20世紀英國文學結(jié)束,千百年來涌現(xiàn)出了許許多多的在歐洲乃至世界文壇享有盛譽的詩人、戲劇家、小說家、小品家、小品文作家等,每一作家身后都留下了為數(shù)眾多的作品,而對這種情況,很多的考生把這一自考本科段的必考科目視若畏途,或看作學習路上的欄路虎。

      筆者多次參加該科目試卷評閱工作,也曾有過在自考班里教授這門課程的經(jīng)歷,積累了一定的經(jīng)驗,總結(jié)出了一套方法,經(jīng)試用效果還不錯,希望能對廣大自考生們有所裨益。 一、制作小卡片,隨時復(fù)習 《英國文學史及選讀》第一題是作家作品對號,此題看似簡單,但這10分卻不好拿,有的考生作家比較熟悉,卻忘了他的作品;有的對作品不陌生卻又記不起是誰寫的了。


      還可加上作品中男女主人公的名稱,他們之間的關(guān)系等等。 當然,如果想詳細一些的話,可以在作者的下面補充上其寫作的特色,作品的后面加一其主題,限于空間,最好只寫要點或關(guān)鍵詞。

      二、勤于思索,善于總結(jié) 第二題是單項選擇題,約占總分值的30%,主要考察文學常識部分。這一部分涉及的面較廣,應(yīng)該注意每個作家在文學史上的地位,某部作品在歷史轉(zhuǎn)型時期所起的作用,每個時代的文學流派及其特點等等,所做的復(fù)習準備工作要扎實細致,對大綱所指定的參考書目要仔細研究,特別要留意書上結(jié)論性,評價性的言語。


      第四題為填空題,大約占10%的分值,其考查內(nèi)容為文學常識與作品選 讀交叉。如在1997年的考題中有這樣一道題:All of the novels written by Samuel Richardson are in the form of letters.考的是對某一作家寫作特點的掌握,屬于文學常識方面的知識;而“Oliver Twist/ tells the story of an orphan, whose adventures provide a description of the lower depths of London.(98年考題)考的是對狄更斯的一部分作品是否熟悉,屬于作品選讀方面的內(nèi)容。

      第五題為名詞解釋,份值約占15%。需要的名詞往往是某種文學體裁,如:Romance,sonnet,Realistic Novel等;或是某一類別的作家群體,如:Radical Enlighteners,Lake Poets等;再或是某一文學流派,如:Sentimentalism,Neo-classicism等。

      回答第一類名詞時要說明該體裁的特點,盛行的年代;第二類要說明盛行的年代,代表性的作家,以及其文學主張等;第三類要說明該派別有何特點和主張,盛行的年代和代表性的作家有哪些等等。 三、分析作品,便于記憶 第六題為作品題分析題,約占總分的10%,考生在該題上失分最多。



      筆者認為略微學點Poetic Form(詩體),即英詩格律方面的知識對于理解記憶詩歌大有好處,如莎士比亞善Sonnet(十四行詩),彌爾頓不朽的史詩Paradise Lost是用Black verse(素體詩)寫成,從詩體著眼,有助于我們正確作出判斷。另外,還可從Subject Matter(題材)方面入手,英詩有史詩,抒情詩,敘事詩,哲理詩等,選讀中以抒情詩為主,如拜倫,雪萊詩中革命激情的奔放,華茲華斯詩中隱含著的對自然欲語還休的淡淡的憂傷等。

      換句話說,詩歌的風格,表達的思想感情,都能為我們判斷詩歌提供線索。 四、體裁為經(jīng),歷史為緯 最后兩道題分別是簡答題和論述題,約占總分的20%,其內(nèi)容往往涉及到某一作家的寫作特點,在文學史上的地位和作用其考查;某一部作品的主題,復(fù)述作品的故事梗概;某一文學流派的特點和主張等等。



      全國2003年4月高等教育自學考試英美文學選讀試題[找答案] 作者:未知 文章來源:互聯(lián)網(wǎng) 點擊數(shù):18 更新時間:2005-11-29 全部題目用英文作答,答案寫在答題紙相應(yīng)的位置上。

      PART ONEⅠ.Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 1 for each)Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Write the answers on the answer sheet.1. “For a week after the commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for more, Oliver remained a close prisoner in the dark and solitary room ?!?Dickens, Oliver Twist) What did Oliver ask for?[A]More time to play. [B]More food to eat.[C]More book to read. [D]More money to spend.2. Mrs. Warren's Profession is one of George Bernard Shaw's plays. What is Mrs. Warren's profession then ?[A]Real estate. [B]Prostitution.[C]House-keeping. [D]Farming.3. Dr. Faustus is a play based on the German legend of a magician aspiring for and finally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil.[A]immortality [B]political [C]money [D]knowledge4. The statement “A demanding mother turns away from her husband and gives all her affection to her sons” sums up the main plot of D. H. Lawrence′s .[A]Lady Chatterley's Lover [B]Women in love[C]Sons and Lovers [D]The Plumed Serpent5.“Come to me-come to me entirely now,” said he ; and added, in his deepest tone, speaking in my ear as his cheek was laid on mine, “Make my happiness-I will make yours.”The above passage presents a scene in .[A]Emily Bronte's Withering Heights[B]Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre[C]John Galsworthy′s The Forsyte Saga[D]Thomas Hardy′s Tess of the D′Urbervilles6.Which of the following is NOT written by William Butler Yeats?[A] “Sailing to Byzantium.” [B] “The Lake Isle of Innisfree.”[C] “Leda and the Swan.” [D] “The Waste Land.”7. “Drive my dead thought over the universeLike withered leaves to quicken a new birth.”(Percy Bysshe Shelley, “Ode to the West Wind”)What rhetorical device does the poet use in the quoted lines? [A]Synecdoche. [B]Metaphor.[C]Simile. [D]Onomatopoeia.8.Crusoe is the hero in The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Grusoe, of York, Mariner (also known as Robinson Crusoe)by . [A]Jonathan Swift [B]Daniel Defoe[C]George Eliot [D]D.H.Lawrence9. “Beauty is truth, truth beauty” is an epigrammatic line by . [A]John Keats [B]William Blake[C]William Wordsworth [D]Percy Bysshe Shelley 10.Christoper Marlow's “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” is a (n) .[A]pastoral lyric [B]elegy [C]eulogy [D]epic 11.Which of the following is NOT regarded as one of the characteristics of Renaissance humanism?[A]Cultivation of the art of this world and this life.[B]Tolerance of human foibles.[C]Search for the genuine flavor of ancient culture.[D]Glorification of religious faith.12. “In dream vision Arthur witnessed the loveliness of Gloriana, and upon awaking resolves to seek her.” The two literary figures Arthur and Gloriana are form . [A]Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene[B]William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet[C]Christopher Marlowe's “The Passionate Shepherd to His love”[D]John Donne's “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”13.Which of the following best describes the nature of Thomas Hardy's later works?[A]Sentimentalism. [B]Tragic sense.[C]Surrealism. [D]Comic sense.14. “。

      This grew: I gave commands;Then all smiles stopped altogether。.”(Robert Browning, “My Last Duchess”)The above lines imply that . [A]the Duchess was killed by her husband [B]the Duchess stopped smiling at her husband's order[C]the Duchess died of laughing too much[D]the Duchess did not want to smile as much as her husband requested15.In which of the following works can you find the proper names “Lilliput,” “Brobdingnag,” “Houyhnhnm,” and “Yahoo”? [A]James Joyce's Ulsses.[B]Charles Dickens's Bleak House.[C]Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels.[D]D. H. Lawrence's Women in love.16.As a literary figure, Belinda appears in Alexander Pope's .[A] “The Dunciad” [B] “An Essay on Man”[C] “An Essay on Criticism” [D] “The Rape of the lock” 17. “The novel is structured around the discovery of the hero's origin.” This novel is most probably . [A]Charles Dickens's David Copperfield[B]James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man[C]Thomas Hardy's Far from the Madding Growd[D]Henry Fielding's Tom Jones 18. “To wage by force or guile eternal war,Irreconcilable to our grand Foe.”(John Milton, Paradise lost)By what means were Sat。


      there are lots of positives and negativesA big negative is an increase of environmental damage. The factories were powered by coal- the smoke from the factories turned pretty much everything black in the UK. Also durring this time there was a mass movement of people from the farms into the cities where they could make more money in the factories. A positive is that it created a huge middle class. Before the IR there was the lower class which consisted of most people and then there was the few people who made up the wealthy upper class that pretty much controlled everything. As the poor people began to work in the factories, they made more money, which gave them more power. The new middle class began to demand rights, they wanted to vote (before only land owners could vote.) However this created a new problem- you can't have uneducated people voting, it can be dangerous. As a result mandatory education was introduced for everyone. Hope this helps POSITIVE:The Industrial Revolution changed the ways by how the world produced its goods. It also changed our societies from a mainly agricultural society to one that in which industry and manufacturing was in control. During this time there were also many new technological advancements, socioeconomic and cultural problems that arised. On the technology front, the biggest advancements were in steam power. New fuels such as coal and petroleum, were incorporated into new steam engines. This revolutionized many industries including textiles and manufacturing. Also, a new communication medium was invented called the telegraph. This made communicating across the ocean much faster. The Industrial Revolution was a time of dramatic change, from hand tools and handmade items, to products which were msass produced by machines. Workers became more productive, and since more items were manufactured, prices dropped, making exclusive and hard to make items available to the poor and not only the rich and elite. Life generally improved,NEGATIVE:The industrial revolution also proved harmful. Pollution increased, working conditions were harmful, and with the employed of women and young children, making them work long and hard hours. Along with the great leap in technology, there was an overall downfall in the socioeconomic and cultural situation of the people. Growth of cities were one of the major consequences of the Industrial Revolution. Many people were driven to the cities to look for work, in turn the ended living in the cities that could not support them. With the new industrial age, a new qauntitative and materialistic view of the world took place. This caused the need for people to consume as much as they could. This still happens today. Living on small wages that required small children to work in factories for long days.The Industrial Revolution, was not a good revolution for the planet. From the time of its start, the factories and industry has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by two-folds. Also in our drive for consumerism, our planets natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. Pollution by nuclear waste, pesticides and other chemicals are also the result of the Industrial Revolution.POSITIVE AND NEGATIVEThe Industrial Revolution was a dramatic change in the nature of production in which machines replaced tools, steam and other energy sources replaced human or animal power, and skilled workers were replaced with mostly unskilled workers. The Industrial Revolution resulted in work that had been performed in the home by family members, such as spinning yarn, being performed with the help of large powerful machines in factories, such as the early textile mill. The Industrial Revolution permitted trends begun in the domestication revolution and agricultural revolution to continue, resulting in still greater inequality。


      熔爐---The Melting Pot 美國的別稱。


      他們形成了相似的生活習慣與禮節(jié);城鄉(xiāng)居民的差別也不像其他國家的那樣明顯。 美國社會雖然競爭性強,且存在著種族歧視,但它在同化來自不同民族的移民方面又表現(xiàn)出相當大的彈性與包容性。


      雅皮士與雅非士---Yuppies and Yuffies 雅皮士是美國人根據(jù)嬉皮士(Hippies)仿造的一個新詞,意思是“年輕的都市專業(yè)工作者” 。 雅皮士從事那些需要受過高等教育才能勝任的職業(yè),如律師、醫(yī)生、建筑師、計算機程序員、工商管理人員等。


      與嬉皮士們不同,雅皮士們沒有頹廢情緒,不關(guān)心政治與社會問題,只關(guān)心賺錢,追求舒適的生活。 雅非士意為“都市中失敗的年輕人”。

      他們雖然覺得自己的生活無法與雅皮士的生活相比,但又不愿意有失落感,并發(fā)誓要找到自己的歸宿。 山姆大叔-Uncle Sam 它是美國的綽號與象征。

      山姆大叔的英文為Uncle Sam,縮寫是U。 S。

      正好與美國的英文縮寫相同。但它怎樣成為美國的綽號和象征的呢?普遍的說法是:1812年,美英戰(zhàn)爭期間,美國特羅城有一個專門供應(yīng)軍用牛肉的商人(也有的說是軍事訂貨的官員)名叫山姆爾?威爾遜(Samuel Wilson,1776—1854),人們平時都叫他山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)。




      后來“ 山姆大叔”便成了美國的綽號。19世紀30年代,美國畫家又將“山姆大叔”畫成一個留有山羊胡子的瘦長老人,帽子和褲子都有星條旗的標志。

      黑色星期五---Black Friday “黑色”這一詞,源出耶穌殉難日(Good Friday)。 1987年10月19日,紐約股票市場的股票價格暴跌,因這天是星期五,故稱股票市場的“黑色星期五”。

      10月19日紐約股市的股票指數(shù)普遍大幅度下降,超過了1929年10月28日引發(fā)經(jīng)濟大蕭條的股票暴跌紀錄。這天開市不久,即出現(xiàn)拋售股票的狂潮,紐約股市創(chuàng)下了破紀錄的股市交易 6043億股,使得美國幾家大公司損失慘重,上市的5000家公司的整個股票價值,一天中就折損了5000億美元。


